7401 Gulf Freeway Houston +2818244190 info@kingdombibleuniversity.com


By now, you should be pretty comfortable with the basic procedures of working on your KBU courses. One thing you will need to do routinely, is visit this website. The site will serve as a valuable resource for selecting and enrolling in courses, checking out information regarding your course, documents regarding paper writing, ordering your books, latest news, updates etc.

Remember to visit the KBU online store where you will find all of your books for your courses as well as other books for personal and spiritual development. Lastly, we want to serve our current students better. Let us know what’s working as well as what needs improvement. Periodically, visit the site and fill out the KBU survey. Your voice matters!

Account Management
Access your degree plan and more...COMING SOON!
Learning Managment
Start your kingdom development by accessing your current courses.
Online Bookstore
Order your class materials and other spiritual development resources
Registration info
Upcoming course starts/class schedule/Academic Calendar