7401 Gulf Freeway Houston +2818244190 info@kingdombibleuniversity.com

Apply NOW!

Upon receipt of your application and application fee, your application will be reviewed by the Academic Committee. Following the recommendations of the Academic Committee, an Admission Counselor will contact you via email with the results and follow on actions.

Remember, each student will be assigned an advisor to assist with studies throughout the program at no additional charge.

Applications will not be considered without the non-refundable US$100 application fee.

Kingdom Bible University (KBU) does not discriminate on the basis of nationality, ethnic origin, age, or gender. We guarantee the rights and privileges, and the availability of programs and activities to all appropriately qualified students of the University.

In keeping with standard policy for institutions of higher learning, the Application Fee is non-refundable. Applications are considered valid for ninety (90) days.


I certify that I have truthfully and accurately answered all questions contained in this application.

I understand that falsification of any kind is grounds for refusal of my application or expulsion should falsehood be discovered after acceptance of the Seminary.

I certify by my signature (forwarding this application) that I agree to abide by the policies of this institution as described in the KBU Catalog and website.

I acknowledge the KBU is not a job placement service. Degrees earned through KBU are for Christian Service in the work of the Lord and no claims are made regarding employment.

By signing (forwarding) this Application for Admission, I am confirming that I understand that any school to which I might transfer credits or degrees earned at KBU retains the right to accept transfers from this or any other school, and that KBU offers no transfer assurance, implied or otherwise.

If I decide to move beyond the Application process, I will have official transcripts from schools previously attended sent to KBU within ninety days of enrollment.

I personally affirm that if I am accepted into a program at KBU that I will honor my financial and study obligations.

By sending this application I acknowledge that I will be placed on the KBU mailing list.

Please complete this form.

Upon clicking submit a new page will load where you can submit your application fee online.

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