7401 Gulf Freeway Houston +2818244190 info@kingdombibleuniversity.com

Why Choose KBU?

Correspondence or Online Study

Regardless of your schedule, you can complete your courses, and your entire degree, totally through distance learning or online. Study in the privacy of your home or office, or carry the studies with you as you travel. You have the choice of selecting an independent (self-paced) study method or a structured online class format.

Start Whenever You’re Ready

You do not have to wait for the fall or spring semester to begin. You can enroll and begin your studies almost immediately. Online classes are offered each month!

Our Faculty Is Here for You

We specialize in correspondence and online learning, and we want to make education process as efficient and convenient as we can. Thus, we have faculty dedicated to assist you in your theological learning. If you have questions or concerns during your time as a student, if you need help in understanding a finance statement or class registration, or even if you need counsel or advice, the KBU faculty is ready to serve you. Our staff members are available Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM (CDT).

The Only Kingdom-Focused Institute Available

The Body of Christ is in need of a Kingdom reformation due to the lack of sound contextual teaching about the Kingdom of God. The message of the Kingdom has traditionally been taught from a European, colonial, and western perspective and has missed the Jewishness of the scriptures that provide irreplaceable insights to the message, ministry, and mission of Christ. However, through KBU, you will be able to gain a sound understanding of the Kingdom of God, as taught by Christ.

Monthly Payment Arrangements

KBU is committed to providing an affordable, Kingdom-based biblical education. Thus, we offer a flexible payment structure that does not expect students to pay their full tuition before beginning their studies. We offer numerous payment methods whereby a student can begin with a reasonable low deposit and pay the rest on a monthly payment arrangement. Our enrollment advisors are dedicated to working with you personally to develop an arrangement to meet your needs.

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